
something to ponder...

How many munchies could a munchy munch munch if I munchy munch could munch munchies?


Zach said...

Approximately 5,065. This is a rough approximation and further research is needed.

Mama Lois said...

It depends on what kind of munchies a munchie is munching.

The Artist said...

4... possibly 5 if it is full grown.

Tibbsy said...

There is insufficient information to answer this question.

Let us temporarily assume that a munch (that is "munchy") can, in fact, munch munchies. This situation involves three inherent, yet unknown unknowns: Munching rate (may be a variable rate), how much munching munchies, and long munching munchies. Two of these must be given or discovered before the third unknown can be determined. The fundamental question of "How much" requires the munchy munchies munching rate, and the amount of time the munchy munch munches munchies.

And what are the odds a munchy munch actually does munch munchies? Has this ever been observed and recorded?
